Businesses Prepare for ObamaCare

Here are the stories about ObamaCare that you will not see Obama or Axelrod or much of the ObamaMedia hawking on a daily basis … these are the stories of small business owners who are working on ways to keep their companies under 50 employees so as to avoid the taxes imposed by ObamaCare.

CNN Money did a story on Kari DePhillips, who co-owns the Content Factory, a public relations firm in Pittsburgh. Her company is on pace to hit the 50 person mark in just a few years. Instead of actively working to grow that company, Kari DePhillips is expending her energy trying to figure out how to get around the ObamaMandateTax. She thought about breaking up her company; that won’t work. She thought about creating a brand new company; that won’t work either. ObamaCare is set up to pretty much screw anyone who wants to grow a business.

As for larger companies who are already well above the 50 person limit, they are looking for ways to get employees and reduce workers down to part-time status, all to avoid the hassles associated with ObamaCare. Wow, that will do wonders for our economy! CNN’s story focuses on David Barr, who owns a bunch of fast-food restaurants in Alabama and Georgia. He has 425 workers. Extending healthcare coverage to every full-time worker (as required by ObamaCare) would cost him $545,782 a year. That’s quite a hit. As he points out, “This business model isn’t meant to support those costs.” But the Democrat architects of ObamaCare weren’t too concerned about business models when creating ObamaCare … Obama, especially. What does this guy know about business? Bupkis. But people like David Barr know a thing or two about business, and his plan is to fire people or reduce full-time workers to part-timers. He’ll pay the tax instead of providing care, because it is a cheaper option for his business.

Author: AKA John Galt

A small business owner, a tea party organizer, a son, father and husband who is not willing to sell out the future lives of his children.

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