“You Can’t Ban Evil”

Author: AKA John Galt

A small business owner, a tea party organizer, a son, father and husband who is not willing to sell out the future lives of his children.

One thought on ““You Can’t Ban Evil””

  1. BRAVO.
    You are the voice of reason. You are wise beyond you years.
    I deeply respect you.
    I too once believed as you did regarding the need for guns. I was 100% antigun. I was and still am opposed to killing animals. That being said, I now realize that it is of extreme importance that this nation’s citizens remain armed. We are close approaching the end game of the new world order. The only thing standing between absolute world domination or what exists today, is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The entire world is watching. The entire world waits.
    While I deeply condemn the warring behavior of our government during the twentieth century, because both world wars were PURPOSELY started in order to financially benefit several of the most wealthy families on the planet, I DO SUPPORT the American people and those persons in the military who are committed to their death in defending the American people and the world, from a global takeover by the wealthy, the vile and evil super rich.
    YOU ARE SO RIGHT REGARDING EVIL. What sickens me is that we have these EVIL families here in the United States. I think it is time that American citizens demand that these EVIL families and EVIL war mongrels be taken to task. That should be the next revolution!

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