FPM: Black Flag in Jersey: A Jihadist Identifier Camouflaged: Does the flag of ISIS really not mean anything?

a12iggymom's Blog

Black Flag in Jersey: A Jihadist Identifier Camouflaged

By Dawn Perlmutter

Does the flag of ISIS really not mean anything?


On Tuesday August 12, Marc Leibowitz alerted Homeland Security that a black flag of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) was hanging on a house in Garwood, New Jersey. As a former Israeli paratrooper he understood the importance of reporting suspicious activity. The black flag that was hanging in New Jersey is an indisputable identifier of jihadist terrorist groups including al-Qaeda. It is one of several variations of the ‘Black Flags of Jihad’. It is a variant design of the Black Standard Al-Rāya flag a.k.a. The Black Banner, Banner of the Eagle and The Banner. The white writing is the shahada, the declaration of Islamic faith: There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God. In this variant the second phrase of the shahada is…

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Author: a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot

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