The Thought Police Arrive in Sacramento

We don’t have to travel to the future — only to Sacramento — to find a progressive government that mandates what people should be thinking and not thinking.

From The Volokh Conspiracy we read about a “meddlesome” and Orwellian governmental overreach.

California Bill Would Ban Psychotherapy Aimed at Changing Under-18-Year-Olds’ Same-Sex “Desires, Attraction, or Conduct”

The bill is SB 1172, and it bans “psychotherapy” of under-18-year-olds “aimed at altering the sexual or romantic desires, attractions, or conduct of a person toward people of the same sex so that the desire, attraction, or conduct is eliminated or reduced or might instead be directed toward people of a different sex.” This so regardless of whether the patient or the patient’s parents want the therapy to take place.

The bill also regulates such psychotherapy for adults, but the outright prohibition applies only to under-18-year-olds.

Where to begin? Parental rights, medical ethics, radical gay activism, thought-crimes, malpractice issues — this endless list of sociopolitical pressure points is destructive, dangerous, and certainly deliberately provocative. Bottom line: this is our government mandating health care providers. They must do what the state wants rather than what the patient wants. Slopes so slippery that no people have clawed their way back up the mountain to individual freedom without a shattering revolution.