FRC Shooting: Will Pro Abortion and Gay Rights Liberals Call It Terrorism?

It will be interesting to see what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about the shooting at the Family Research Council building in Washington D.C. earlier today. The SPLC and pro abortion and gay rights groups consider the FRC a hate group because it opposes abortion, gay marriage and also pornography and divorce.

The alleged shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins II, who posed as an intern, shot a security guard in the arm around 10:45 this morning. The security guard subdued the shooter. He was later questioned by the FBI. Corkins allegedly “made statements regarding their policies, and then opened fire with a gun striking a security guard,” a source told Fox News.

“Sources also said the gunman may have been carrying a bag from Chick-fil-A, the embattled fast-food restaurant whose president came under fire from gay activists after he said he did not agree with same-sex marriage,” Fox News added.

The FBI said it is treating the attack as a case of domestic terrorism, although the head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office said authorities do not yet know the gunman’s motive despite the fact he told the security guard his attack “was not about you, it was what this place stands for.”

Read more here.