PC police blast RGIII for ‘tyranny’ tweet

Amid pressure to change the nickname of his team, Washington Redskins star quarterback Robert Griffin III has ignited a digital firestorm from the left by pushing back against the “tyranny of political correctness.”

In a Twitter message, he declared: “In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness.”

The controversy arose as Washington, D.C., Council member David Grosso prepared to introduce a non-binding resolution calling on the city’s beloved team to change its “derogatory, racist name.”

Griffin followed his original tweet a short time later with a definition of tyranny, calling it a “condition imposed by some outside agency or force,” such as “living under the tyranny of the clock” or “political correctness.”

Twitter followers erupted:

“Loyalty to local racist named team fading … fading,” wrote Bryan Weaver.
Josh Wheeler said: “Tyranny? Do we share a common reality? Get real. RT.”
@lalndonmccool wrote, “God you make it so easy to hate you”
Said Aaron Nagler: “Oh shut up. RT.”

But Griffin also received considerable support: “As a Seahawks fan, I gained a lot of respect for @RGIII today,” said one in the conversation.

Continuing the provocative Twitter dialogue, Griffin added: “If we speak … we say it the wrong way If we do not speak we are cowards.”

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