
The Community Organizer is already in campaign mode. His minions are preparing for something they probably never saw coming: a real fight. After Obama’s ascendance to the thrown in 2008, it was probably difficult for anyone to imagine that we wouldn’t be basking in the glory of an Obama presidency for eight years. Yes, eight. They were pretty sure they could ride this wave through the next election. But it’s amazing how quickly an ugly economy mixed with runaway spending can turn the country against even the most beloved of rulers. Yes, rulers. “We will be ready to rule from day one.” Remember?

At this point, Barack Obama has lost support among every single economic or ethnic demographic segment of our society …even among black voters. Although, his approval ratings with black voters are still in the 80% range. The young, the poor, rich, white and even Hispanics … barely half of each of these groups approves of the job that Obama is doing. Recent reports say that Obama has had to make waves in the gay community, in order to make up for campaign donations otherwise lacking from wealthy supporters. When it comes down to it, Obama is still likely to carry the vote for certain groups of voters: blacks, the young, the poor, the government workers, the union workers, single women. But there is one giant group out there that Obama is desperate to win over: Hispanics. Census figures show that the Hispanic population is only growing in this country: “The US Hispanic population grew 43 percent during the past decade to 50.5 million – more than half the country’s population growth.” However, Hispanic voters are slowly becoming more Republican. Pew Research has discovered that in the 2006 midterm elections, 69% of Latinos voted for Democrats. By 2010, that number had decreased to 60%. With the presence of more Hispanic Republicans like Marco Rubio, those figures are expected to continue to decrease. But this is not good for an administration that desperately needs to charge up a new base to turn out to the polls in 2012.

Hence we get … the current Obama Hispandering. Throughout the last few weeks, Obama has increased his attention on the issue of immigration and yesterday he made a speech on immigration in El Paso, right across the border from Juarez, Mexico – a city where 3,111 civilians were murdered last year – more than in all of Afghanistan. But in a clear sign that Obama is not really serious about reform but rather campaigning, he resorted to name-calling and snarky remarks saying, “Maybe [Republicans] will say we need a moat. Or alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied …”. Securing our border and abiding by the law of the land is not something that Republicans are fighting for because they feel some insatiable need to be difficult or because they are anti-Hispanic. They do it because that is the number one role of our federal government: to protect its citizens.

As the pundits are already pointing out, if Obama failed to get the DREAM Act passed with a Democrat majority in Congress, there is little chance of it passing now.