High School Teaches Children “Oral Sex” and “Anal Sex” Are Ways to Express Feelings

EAG News reported:

A Kansas father is not too happy with his local school district after his daughter brought home a picture of a school poster about “oral sex” and “grinding.”

sexfeelingsThe poster – titled “How do people express their sexual feelings?” – lists numerous types of sexual activities that Hocker Grove Middle School parent Mark Ellis believes are inappropriate for his 13-year-old daughter, Fox news reports.

“It upsets me,” Ellis told the television station. “And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type program.”

The poster offers lots of ways to “express sexual feelings” including anal sex, vaginal intercourse, massage, sexual fantasy, dancing and other options.

“Why would you put it in front of 13-year-old students?” Ellis questioned.

School district officials told the television station the poster is part of a broader “abstinence-based” sexual education curriculum for middle school students.