Brendon Ayanbadejo Spits On Morals: Read His disgusting Article Here…

During the NFL Draft, plenty of young men kissed and shared PDAs with their significant others or wives.

There was no talk, no debate of heterosexuals sharing love and emotions with their significant others. However, seeing Michael Sam kiss his boyfriend Vito — a proud black gay man kissing his Caucasian boyfriend — makes some people uncomfortable.

Michael Sam is a person who has been through the trials and tribulations of coming out, first to his college teammates and then the world. The former Missouri star being selected by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh round Saturday was a moment they shared, something that has never happened and right then and there they deserve to share that special moment together. America witnessed it.

What America — and everywhere else — doesn’t need is reactions like that of Ole Miss basketball player Marshall Henderson (though Henderson claims his words were only an “experiment”). Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, failure to understand how monumental the draft choice and subsequent kiss is becomes foolhardy on many levels.

Millions of people have had to hide over the years — whether moments of great triumph or failure. In life, there’s nothing better than having your significant other there for you during a critical event.

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Barack Obama: If You Don’t Support Gay Marriage, You’re an Unloving Person

Iowa Community College Uses Taxpayer Funds for Conference on How to Attack Conservatives and Christians

An upcoming conference being held at the Des Moines Community College will use taxpayer dollars to hold a breakout session on how to attack conservatives and Christians.

Here’s the description of the course from the conference website:

Young America’s Foundation broke the story:

A Young Americans for Freedom chapter is demanding its school to pull funding from an upcoming LGBT conference, claiming a bias against conservatives and Christians.

Des Moines Community College student Jake Dagel, who chairs the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter, is opposing the 8th Annual Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning) Youth and is calling for the school to pull its $1,000 sponsorship during a press conference announcing his chapter’s position. Dagel claims that conservatives and Christians will be bullied at the event.

“Any conference or event that attacks individuals for their beliefs is not diversity,” Dagel told the Iowa Republican. “We, the DMACC Young Americans for Freedom…believe that he LGBT community has every right to host this conference due to their First Amendment rights. However, as long as the conference hosts workshops that attack individuals, we will demand that DMACC revoke its sponsorship of tuition and taxpayer money from this conference.”

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Teen socialist sworn in as school board member in New Jersey

A 19-year-old socialist became an official member of the Red Bank Regional High School Board of Education in Monmouth County, N.J., last week.

Pat Noble defeated incumbent Nilsa Samol in the November 2012 election. He is a graduate of The Academy of Allied Health & Science, a vocational high school that emphasizes health occupations and the hard sciences.

Noble divides the bulk of his time working at his job as a clerk in a local pharmacy and promoting the Socialist Party of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, which he co-founded, reports He opines enthusiastically about a host of issues ranging from taxation to foreign policy to education.

The teenage radical says his interest in socialism was piqued in high school when he heard people use the word “socialist” as an insult.

“I decided to do some research into what the problem was with it, and I never found it,” Noble told He describes the economic system as “a society built for the majority instead of the elite minority” and says people who don’t like socialism “have false logic.”

“You reach more people, more quickly when you win an election,” Noble added, according to “I’m hoping to bring a different perspective, a left-wing perspective to a board full of capitalists.”

Noble told that budget concerns are his top priority as a board of education member. He campaigned on a multitude of issues including sex education in schools and adding LGBT-related lessons to the curriculum.

The young apparatchik also wants to ban military recruitment from school campuses.

Read more here.

Will your child attend LGBT ‘mixer’ at school?

Parents are being advised to keep their children home from school on Oct. 30 if their local education officials are allowing the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Mix It Up” day to be held on campus.

The advisory comes from the pro-family American Family Association, because of the pro-homosexual message that is expected to be delivered during the events.

According to the New York Times, the event encourages students to “hang out with someone they normally might not speak to.”

But the AFA said the underlying agenda for the SPLC is to promote homosexuality and that’s what would be the result should these events be imposed on students in schools.

“American Family Association is joining other family-oriented groups in urging parents to keep their children at home that day (Oct. 30) if their local school is sponsoring the ‘Mix It Up’ project,” the organization said.

“The Southern Poverty Law Center is using this project to bully-push its gay agenda, and at the same time, intimidate and silence students who have a biblical view of homosexuality.”

It noted that some schools have been cited as participating even without school officials’ permission, and parents likewise should review whether that circumstance applies to their district.

“Many school administrators were offended to learn that their school was listed as a ‘participating’ school on the SPLC website and ordered it removed immediately. In some cases, students or teachers independently signed the school up without approval, leaving principals and superintendents unprepared for phone calls from concerned parents,” AFA reported.

And at the Mail Online in the United Kingdom, promoters confirmed the program was intended to “break down social barriers and curb bullying.”

Read more here.

Hate Crime? Family Research Council Shooter Posed as an Intern — Carried Chick-fil-A Bag

The armed man who walked into the Washington headquarters of the Family Research Council and reportedly shot a security guard Wednesday morning has been identified as Floyd Corkins, 28, of Virginia, NBC News reports.

Corkins was taken into custody by the FBI following the shooting and was being interviewed.

“We don’t know enough yet about him … or mentally what he’s thinking,” said James McJunkin, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington field office.

The guard, who was an employee of the FRC, was taken to a hospital in stable condition after being shot.

“Our first concern is with our colleague who was shot today,” the group’s president, Tony Perkins, said in a statement.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said in a statement that he was appalled by the shooting. “There is no place for such violence in our society,” he said. “My prayers go out to the wounded security guard and his family, as well as all the people at the Family Research Council whose sense of security has been shattered by today’s horrific events.”

The Family Research Council advocates conservative positions on social issues and strongly opposes gay marriage and abortion. Fox News reports that Corkins posed as an intern and was carrying a Chick-fil-A bag with him during the attack.

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Gay activists to Obama: What’s next?

President Barack Obama’s embrace of same-sex marriage was a major moment for gay-rights advocates — historic, emotional, a cause for celebration and more praise for an administration with a strong record on these issues.

But they’re already starting to ask what’s next.

There’s no shortage of items on the wish list: Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act. Extending Social Security benefits for gay partners. Changing regulations on deporting immigrants in same-sex marriages.

There’s the one that’s sparked the most anger and confusion because it’s seen as an easy fix — an executive order banning LGBT workplace discrimination.

There’s a new one after a House vote Wednesday, when Republicans blocked LGBT protections in the Violence Against Women Act. There are upcoming votes to legalize gay marriage in Maine, Maryland and Washington.

And the fight over getting gay marriage into the Democratic convention platform hasn’t even started yet.

In other words, endorsing gay marriage hasn’t let Obama check the election-year box on gay rights and move on. Even as politicians and advocates lionize the president for what he’s done, they see him as sparking the conversation, not ending it.

“There may be folks that say, ‘Let’s just let the issue drop,’ but when you have an issue of fundamental unfairness, you should keep raising it,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.).

Obama wasn’t eager to turn his support of gay marriage into an election-year issue — and sure enough, his numbers in several state polls dropped after his announcement. He’s reinvigorated much of his disenchanted base by reestablishing himself as the vessel of their progressive aspirations, but he accentuated divisions with voters in battlegrounds such as North Carolina, which passed a gay marriage ban by a wide margin the day before Obama spoke out.

With the reelection campaign heating up, the president might not want new pushes on gay rights to keep exposing and reopening a potential electoral wound. But he’s going to get them — on several fronts at once.

The day after Obama’s marriage announcement, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and 16 of his colleagues sent a letter urging the Justice and Homeland Security departments to halt any deportations of immigrant spouses in same-sex couples, such as Massachusetts spouses legally married under state law but not recognized under federal statutes. That’s just one more step that the administration could take to undercut DOMA’s provisions that allow states not to recognize same-sex marriages legal elsewhere, Kerry said, and he’s counting on the White House to lead the way.

“I don’t have high hopes of this Congress doing any of them legislatively, but they’ve got to get done and that’s why I’m focusing more on the executive branch, even though the burden shouldn’t have to be on them,” Kerry said. “I know that we’re going to have a better legislative environment in the future, but we’ve still got to do what we can do now to save lives.”

There’s no shortage of issues for the administration to address, said the Human Rights Campaign’s Fred Sainz, pointing to a 52-bullet “Blueprint for Positive Change” his organization delivered to the White House at the outset of Obama’s presidency that outlined policy changes possible purely through executive action.

“An awful lot of them have been done, but there remain just as many that have not been done,” Sainz said.

Read more here.

Judge rules school must allow access to sexually explicit LGBT sites

A federal judge has ordered a Missouri school district to unblock its web filters and give students access to sexually explicit material by the middle of March.

A US District Judge issued a preliminary junction against the Camdenton R – III School District banning them from using filtering software. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the district claiming it was deliberately restricting access to homosexual themed sites, while allowing students to view what it claims are “anti-LG BT sites that condemn homosexuality.”

In issuing its ruling, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri said the district’s custom filtering system “systematically allows access to websites expressing a negative viewpoint toward LGBT individuals by categorizing them as ‘religion,’ but filters out positive viewpoints toward LGBT issues by categorizing them as ‘sexuality.”

Joe Ortwerth, executive director of the Missouri Family Policy Council, says, “When you consider that there’s a federal law on the books that obligates school districts to ensure that their computers do not allow access to materials that might be pornographic for minors, this judge’s action — considering that — is pretty shocking.”

The ACLU’s website claims that schools cannot block LGBT sites claiming that to do so is a violation of the First Amendment. “Programs that block all LGBT content violate First Amendment rights to free speech, as well as the Equal Access Act, which requires equal access to school resources for all extracurricular clubs, including gay-straight alliances and LGBT support groups.”

Among the sites the ACLU says students have a right to view is the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. The site provides a link to “It Gets Better” which is a program advocating the homosexual lifestyle founded by Dan Savage, a “gay” sex columnist.

Savage is known for his vulgar and raunchy columns. He was also responsible for “bullying” Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum by creating a “Google bomb” that attached a vile sex term to the candidate’s name.

Read more here.