
I’ll be like Pres. Obama any day rather than those GOP test tube projects gone wrong they are why ABORTION is legal!!—
Stephanie Miller (@obamasbestfan) February 28, 2012


Seems to me she is the reason alcohol was invented. Have to love liberal stupidity.

Author: AKA John Galt

A small business owner, a tea party organizer, a son, father and husband who is not willing to sell out the future lives of his children.

4 thoughts on “@ObamasBestFan”

  1. There lies the problem.
    Stupid voters make ,stupid choices.
    This one pictured has the mentality of a cockroach .

  2. Who is John Galt ? This country seems littered with liberals without brains. This is why we need to vote in droves this next election. Oh and I am John Galt.

  3. Let’s see if obama stuffs the ballots again!
    Vote,vote,vote,get the real people to vote.
    Pull your heads out of the sand,because this will take all our efforts to get rid of the commies,UN,loving corp.

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