One-Percenter Sarah Jessica Parker Fights Class War, Plans Obama Fundraiser

On the big and small screen, Sarah Jessica Parker epitomizes the one percent as “Sex and the City’s” Carrie Bradshaw.

Appletinis. Manohlo Blahnik shoes. The works.

In real life, the actress is willing and able to amplify President Barack Obama’s class warfare rhetoric.

Parker will be hosting an Obama fundraiser next month, and she recently sent out an email to promote the event and help re-elect Obama come November.

This November’s election will determine whether we get to keep moving forward, or if we’re forced to go back to policies that ask people like my middle-class family in Ohio to carry the burden — while people like me, who don’t need tax breaks, get extra help.

Author: AKA John Galt

A small business owner, a tea party organizer, a son, father and husband who is not willing to sell out the future lives of his children.

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