A Personal Invitation from Russell Pearce

From: Senator Russell Pearce SenatorRussellPearce@russellpeace.com]
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:40 PM
To: McComas, Susan Delegate
Subject: A personal invitation from Senator Russell Pearce – Author of SB1070

Dear Representative McComas,

As a fellow lawmaker, I am sure you can appreciate the position we find ourselves in as Arizonans. You know what it is like to try to stand up for your constituents, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, “common sense,” but I cannot imagine you have ever dealt with the backlash we are facing. Now, with Attorney General Holder suing us on behalf of the Obama administration trying to maintain their policy of non-enforcement, ACLU, MALDET and of Mexico suing us, the nation boycotting us afraid their sanctuary/catch & release policies may also be revoked, and Mexican politicians scorning us, we are feeling a little guilty keeping all of this fun for ourselves. Large and growing committees of activists from all over this great nation (probably some from your state) have asked me to host a conference on how we arrived at this legislative success.

Reaction to the suit poured in from all sides, some of it not so nice, making it clear that this was no ordinary legal filing but rather the start of a battle that will help define the midterm elections this fall.

Not only does this lawsuit reveal the Obama administration’s contempt for immigration laws and the people of Arizona, it reveals contempt for the majority of the American people who support Arizona’s efforts.

Why do our elected leaders so easily relinquish liberty and have such little respect for the Constitution and the law?

Arizona is ground zero for stopping this “illegal” invasion. Yes they are illegal and they are invading this nation. Illegal is not a race, it is a crime. The media would have you believe I made “illegal, illegal,” however, illegal was already illegal. It is a crime to enter or remain in the U.S. in violation of federal law 8USC 1324 and 1325. States have inherent authority to enforce immigration laws and yet has failed or refused to do so. Sanctuary policies are illegal under federal law (8 USC 1644 & 1373) yet we have them all over the United States, where are the feds on cities actually violating the law, instead they sue us for enforcing the law.

It’s rare that we see a fight between a state and the federal government on an issue this highly-charged. The matter of the federal government’s authority versus that of the states is one that has hovered over the nation since this administration came into office. This lawsuit is bound to force discussion of the authority of these two entities, the federal or central government vs state governments.
Americans expect the Federal government to perform one duty above all others and that duty is to protect American citizens from harm from elements outside of the nation. The Obama administration is refusing to defend American jobs, wages, property, security, health, and lives from attacks conducted against civilians by foreign powers that are aided by traitors inside of the United States.

SB1070 simply codifies federal law into state law and removes excuses and concerns about states inherent authority to enforce these laws and removes all so called “sanctuary” policies.

Now, I know you may be at ALEC the week of August 4th, so hopefully you can extend that trip to include a visit here as well. It is possible that we will do something in conjunction with ALEC, but I believe it will be more impactful for people to come to Arizona, meet the people, talk to the clerk at the hotel desk, and really see for yourself just what all of the fuss is about. You will see that Arizonans are just like people anywhere else. We have solid conservative values. We love our Country and we believe in the fundamental right to defend ourselves and our state. If you share those values, I would love for you to come for a visit I promise you will enjoy.

We are planning a full program that will include a full discussion of the legal challenge, why we are confident in our language and how we arrived at it. You will meet some of the key people who drafted it including some of the Country’s top legal minds from the Goldwater Institute. As you may know, they are the ones heavily driving the national strategy to restore Federalism, adopted by ALEC by modifying State Constitutions. Governor Brewer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Phoenix Law Enforcement Association Mark Spencer and possibly even Lou Ferigno will also be coming by.

We are working out the details and hope to make scholarships available for those who need them. We realize that due to tough budget times, travel budgets are the first to go, so we are seeking funding. If you are interested in coming only if scholarship money is available, please let us know so we can plan the budget. We want you here and we will do all we can to make that happen. And yes, it is hotter here in August, but it really is a dry heat. I promise that the Sonoran sunsets are among the prettiest you have ever seen. By the time the sun starts to set, the desert cools down and you are sitting by a chimney, perhaps having a diet coke, you will forget all about the daytime temps.

The dates for the Immigration / 14th Amendment Summit are as follows:

July 30th, 7 PM at the Arizona State Capitol Senate Lawn, a memorial for al those who have died at the hand of an illegal alien.

July 30th, 8:30 PM across from Arizona State Capitol Senate Lawn in Wesley Bolin Plaza a candle light vigil will be head in memory of our American military hero’s who have died in battle.

July 31st 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Arizona State Capitol Senate building will be the Summit with workshops regarding SB1070 and the 14th Amendment.

July 31st 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM festivities on the Senate lawn and Wesley Bolin Plaza.

July 31st 6:30 PM Rally begins Arizona State Capitol Senate Lawn.

For more information about the event, go to http://standwitharizona.org/3580/

Kindest regards and in Liberty,
Senator Russell Pearce, Author of SB1070

Author: AKA John Galt

A small business owner, a tea party organizer, a son, father and husband who is not willing to sell out the future lives of his children.

3 thoughts on “A Personal Invitation from Russell Pearce”

  1. We the people can take back our country, but we need to wake up to see the real problems that we are faceing, and oBAMA IS ONE BIG PROBLEM and he and all the Dems have got to go,and also hold the Republicans accountabal and if they are not come down hard on them too,I believe this is our last chance, we will surely die as a country the clock is ticking and we need to act now.
    Don’t ask God to Bless this country,rather ask God to open the eyes to the blind to see how this country has throne His graces away, and to quit sinning and come back to Him,so He will again Bless Us. WE need God with us to make the changes we need, one way is to Pray every day for that.
    God bless the movement.
    Ron Vietnam Vet

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