Meet Rosalio Munoz – Mexican American Communist

As a leader of the Communist Party USA’s Mexican American Equality Commission, Los Angeles based activist Rosalio Munoz, enjoys a level of political influence that would be envied by most U.S. Congressmen or Senators – if they had the slightest inkling of its extent.

Munoz’s primary job is to ensure that as many Mexican Americans as possible vote Democrat – to ensure that the Republican Party and conservative values in general , are consigned to the “dustbin of history”. It is up to Munoz and his comrades to tilt the balance of power, in the border states particularly, to the point the Republicans become a permanent minority.

Rosalio Muñoz has a long activist history. He was the co-chair of the Chicano Moratorium Against the Vietnam War, a Los Angeles protest march of 20,000 Mexican Americans in August 29, 1970. One year before that , Rosalio Munoz decided that if drafted, he would refuse to go fight in Vietnam. When he received his draft notice in the mail, Munoz, who had been UCLA’s first Chicano Student Body President, started organizing in the Chicano community.

His induction date coincidentally fell on Mexican Independence Day, September 16, 1969. He showed up at the draft board with around 100 activists and supporters. The draft board postponed his induction for a few months, and Munoz continued to fight at every point in the induction process. He refused to cooperate with the board, insisting on speaking in Spanish instead of English and eventually undertook a hunger strike. He did not go to Vietnam.

In recent years Munoz has opposed the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, through his leadership of Latinos for Peace , an affiliate of the communist dominated United for Peace and Justice.

But it is through organizing voters that Munoz has made his biggest impact.

In Rosalio Munoz and his comrade, Arizona based Lorenzo Torrez were entrusted by the Communist Party USA, with swinging the Mexican American vote in the Southern States behind the Democratic Party. From the Peoples Weekly World of March 6, 2004;

TUCSON, Ariz. – Communist Party leaders and activists met here to discuss plans to bring out the broadest possible Mexican American and Latino vote to defeat the ultra right in the November elections and to strengthen the CPUSA’s work among this section of the population. The participants at the meeting, held in the Salt of the Earth Labor College on May 15-16, came chiefly from the Southwest and the West Coast.

Lorenzo Torrez, chair of the Party’s Mexican American Equality Commission, reviewed the Commission’s work in the recent period. He proposed the organizing of a left-center Latino coalition to mobilize the progressive sentiments of U.S. Latinos. Rosalío Muñoz, CPUSA organizer in Southern California, reported on Latinos and the elections. He noted that the presidential race will be decided in key “battleground states.” A number of these, such as Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, are states where Mexican Americans are concentrated, he said.

Muñoz proposed that the CPUSA put out literature in both Spanish and English explaining what is at stake for Latinos in the upcoming elections.
The 2007 Latino Congreso was designed partly to influence the 2008 election cycle.

Rosalio Munoz and Joelle Fishman of the Communist Party USA Political Action Commission, were two of many communists involved in the Congreso.

In an article written for Communidad by Munoz and Fishman, the comrades quote Congreso opening speaker Antonio Gonzalez, President of the Southwest Voter Registration Project. Gonzales is coincidentally serves on the advisory council of the the Los Angeles based organization, Cesar E. Chavez National Holiday , which is lead by Communist Party USA Mexican American Equality Commission member, Evelina Alarcon;

Some 2000 Latino leaders and activists from throughout the United States came together in Los Angeles October 5-9 to iron out a plan of action and a social justice program of issues for the 2008 elections with the goal of bringing out 10 million Latino voters that can play a decisive role in the presidential and congressional elections.

Latinos can be decisive in determining the presidential electoral in the key battle ground states of “Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada … and congressional elections in twenty states” that can change the political direction of the country said Antonio Gonzalez President of the Southwest Voter Registration project in opening up the 2nd National Latino Congreso convened by 10 national Latino organizations and hundreds of state and local groups from 22 states.

“We are going to mobilize massively to reach record levels of Latino vote” on the key issues of immigration reform, the war, greening cities, health care and climate change declared Gonzalez. While recognizing that “today we don’t have a critical mass to affect that change”, Gonzalez said this can be achieved with “conscious thinking, planning and organizing” leading up to the 2008 elections.” “We have big issues not only as Latinos but as citizens of the world”, he concluded.

In 2008, the Communist Party USA, including Rosalio Munoz, campaigned hard for their “friend” Barack Obama;

In February 2008, Rosalio Munoz wrote on the Communist Party USA PA Editors Blog;

I’m active in East LA Obama activities, outreach to the neighborhoods by phone and shoe leather is mushrooming Obama support, manana is here its time to get out the vote all day Super Tuesday.

Why bother with risky guns and bombs when you can manipulate millions of voters into progressing your Marxist-Leninist agenda?

American Singer Receives Death Threats After Recording Anti-Obama Song

Posted by Jim Hoft

American beauty Ash Soular recorded “Obamanation” in 2008 as a protest song. She warned Americans about slick media sensation Barack Obama.

The upside was that she got over 4,000,000 hits on the song she posted on YouTube. The downside was that she was harassed and received death threats for posting the song on YouTube.
Ash told her story recently in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

This is what Ash Soular wrote about her YouTube hit “Obamanation”:

I wanted to express how I felt about this past election, but I’m not very good at writing political blogs or particularly fond of debating. So I figured, how better to express my opinion than to write a song.

** To elaborate: This song is about how we’ve forgotten the importance of our leaders’ character. The expression, “Obamanation”, (a play on words, yes) is also meant to symbolize a reality where people vote for politicians based upon charisma, instead of the content of their character.

It’s describing a situation where we are blinded by those whose main goal is to spend more of our tax money while ignoring our values.

It reminds us that the change THEY want may not be the change that YOU want. Let them know whose change matters. **

If you’ve never heard Obamanation Ash jams on the electric guitar halfway during the song.

The lyrics written in 2008 are prophetic:

Bid Sis to Block “Controversial Opinion” on the Web

Posted by Pia Malbran

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is blocking certain websites from the federal agency’s computers, including halting access by staffers to any Internet pages that contain a “controversial opinion,” according to an internal email obtained by CBS News.

The email was sent to all TSA employees from the Office of Information Technology on Friday afternoon.

It states that as of July 1, TSA employees will no longer be allowed to access five categories of websites that have been deemed “inappropriate for government access.”

The categories include:

• Chat/Messaging

• Controversial opinion

• Criminal activity

• Extreme violence (including cartoon violence) and gruesome content

• Gaming

The email does not specify how the TSA will determine if a website expresses a “controversial opinion.”

There is also no explanation as to why controversial opinions are being blocked, although the email stated that some of the restricted websites violate the Employee Responsibilities and Conduct policy.

The TSA did not return calls seeking comment by publication time.

DOJ Stonewalling Black Panthers Case

by Rep. Frank Wolf

For more than a year, I have been urging the U.S. Department of Justice to release all the documents surrounding the dismissal of U.S. v. New Black Panther Party and to make a genuine attempt to answer the questions asked by members of Congress and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights about the case. My requests have been rebuffed at each turn by the department.

As a strong supporter of the Voting Rights Act, I was deeply troubled by Justice’s questionable dismissal of such an important voter intimidation case in Philadelphia, where I grew up and my father was a policeman.

My commitment to voting rights is unquestioned. In 1981, I was the only member—Republican or Democrat—of the Virginia delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives to vote for the Voting Rights Act and was harshly criticized then by the editorial page of the Richmond Times Dispatch, the state’s leading newspaper. I was criticized, too, in 2006 by another newspaper in my district when I supported the act’s reauthorization.

From the beginning, I have asked the question: why did the Justice Department dismiss this serious case? If this is not a clear case of voter intimidation, I do not know what is.

This case was brought in January 2009 by career attorneys in the department’s Civil Rights Division against the New Black Panther Party and several of its members—one of whom brandished a nightstick—for deploying uniformed men to a polling station in Philadelphia on Election Day November 2008 to harass and intimidate voters.

One of the witnesses of the Election Day incident—Bartle Bull—a veteran civil rights activist who served as Bobby Kennedy’s New York campaign manager in 1968, has publicly called this “the most blatant form of voter intimidation” he has ever seen.

The case was proceeding toward a default judgment in favor of the department until it was suddenly withdrawn in May 2009. Sources within the department reported that Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, a political appointee, in conjunction with the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights, Loretta King, and her deputy, Steve Rosenbaum, overruled the career attorneys in the Voting Rights section.

The Washington Times reported that the department’s own appellate division sided with the career attorneys in urging the case be allowed to move forward. According to the Appellate Division memos first disclosed in the Times article, Appellate Chief Diana K. Flynn said that “the appropriate action was to pursue the default judgment” and that Justice had made a “reasonable argument in favor of default relief against all defendants.”

Given these troubling disclosures, I have repeatedly called on the attorney general to re-file this civil suit and allow a ruling from the judge based on the merits of the case—not political expediency.

The career trial team should be allowed to bring the case again to allow our nation’s justice system to work as it was intended: impartially and without bias.

Since the dismissal of this case, I have also been deeply concerned about the department’s obstruction of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights’ investigation into this matter. The commission has an important special statutory responsibility to investigate matters pertaining to the enforcement of civil rights law. In fact, to do so, Congress instilled independent oversight responsibility, including subpoena authority, in statute.

However, the department continues to withhold information from the commission and refuses to comply with the commission’s subpoenas. In fact, the department has ordered its attorneys to ignore the commission’s subpoenas.

Earlier this year, I introduced a Resolution of Inquiry that would have compelled the attorney general to release all requested documents to the Congress. It was defeated on a party-line vote in the House Judiciary Committee.

I have urged the department’s inspector general, Glenn Fine, on multiple occasions to open an investigation into whether improper political influence contributed to the dismissal of this case.

Unfortunately, Mr. Fine continues to maintain willful ignorance, which I believe is an unacceptable abdication of his responsibilities as inspector general.

At my request the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency is now reviewing his actions.

I believe one anecdote, in particular, summarizes the disappointment and frustration of the career attorneys who were inexplicably overruled by the department’s political leadership on this matter.

It is my understanding that the career Voting Section chief, Chris Coates, offered a vigorous defense of the New Black Panther Party case at his going-away luncheon earlier this year. Mr. Coates reportedly stated: “I did my best to enforce all of our voting statutes for all Americans, and I leave here with my soul rested that I did the right thing to the best of my ability.”

The American people deserve the kind of impartial leadership at the Justice Department that will allow this case to go forward again—not the kind of political leadership that has tilted the scales of justice.


So .. how did that “Independence Day” work out for you? Hopefully you were giving a great time with friends and family … but did you stop for a minute just to consider the fact that under The Community Organizer dependence, not independence, is increasing? In 2009 .. the first Year of Obama … dependence on government increased by 13.6%. That’s the largest increase since 1976. Trust me when I say that you couldn’t find one out of every 100 people waving flags this past Sunday who had any awareness of this increase in government dependency.

OK .. so July 4th has come and gone. Would you like to make next year’s Fourth of July a true celebration of independence? About 234 years ago men were pledging their lives and their sacred honor. All you have to do is pledge to vote on November 2nd. The men who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that the enemy would come to try and take their lives. The worst you might face on November 2nd would be some Black Panther standing at the entrance to a voting location in para-military gear slapping a baton against his palm. But then that only seems to happen in Philly … and Philly will go solidly Democrat anyway, so what the hell?

Seriously, my friends. The men who signed the Declaration would be horrified at the degree to which Americans have surrendered their birthright for modicums of government-provided security. I think, though, there is time to turn this around. Maybe the American voters have had enough of the Obama brand of Democrat socialism. Maybe some American voters actually believe that our economy is better served by people spending the money they earn as they see fit rather than politicians seizing those funds and distributing them for votes. Maybe some American voters have figured out that it was freedom – not government – that it was the dynamic of a free people living and interacting with each other in a system based on economic liberty and the rule of law that brought us our standard of living; not politicians selling votes to the highest bidder.

Obama could take a few cues from the great Calvin Coolidge

By: Gregory Kane

July 4 is the birthday of the nation and the birthday of one of my favorite presidents.

That would be my main man “Silent” Cal Coolidge, 30th president of the United States and one of the most underrated wits and sages ever to occupy the Oval Office.

Of all our presidents, Coolidge is the one I enjoy hearing anecdotes about the most. The punch line of the tale about the so-called “Coolidge Effect” is an absolute corker. I don’t have time to give all the details here, but if you Google the term, I’m sure you’ll agree. But other Coolidge stories are just as hilarious.

There’s the one about how a Coolidge advisor objected to one of his appointments. The man, according to the advisor, was “a son of a b***h.” Coolidge’s response?

“Well, don’t they deserve to be represented, too?”

Many people are no doubt familiar with Coolidge’s well-deserved reputation for taciturnity and with the tale of the woman who said she had bet someone that she could get him to say more than two words. Coolidge’s response?

“You lose.”

Coolidge was governor of Massachusetts before he became vice president under President Harding. (That was in the days when residents of Massachusetts could elect a conservative Republican.) One day a state senator came to him and complained that another senator had told him to “go to hell.” Coolidge’s response?

“I’ve read the law carefully, senator, and you don’t have to go.”

Coolidge held a minor state government post before he became governor. The job required him to listen to a steady stream of constituents the entire day. A colleague of his who held the same job noticed that Coolidge left every day at 5, while he had to stay until 9.

One day the colleague asked Coolidge, “What gives? We see the same number of people each day. They talk to me; they talk to you. Yet you leave at 5, and I’m here until 9. Why is that?”

Coolidge’s response?

“You talk back.”

Coolidge was also fond of the self-deprecating style of humor. About his presidency, Coolidge said, “I believe the American people want a solemn ass as president, and I believe I’ll oblige them.” When pressed by reporters to give a reason why he didn’t run for re-election in 1928, he said that the job of president of the United States “had no room for advancement.”

As July 4 approached, I found myself in dire need of some Coolidge humor, especially after listening to President Obama’s pathetic speech on immigration reform. In fact, Obama could use some of Coolidge’s wisdom, as well as a dose of his talent for knowing when to talk and when to shut the heck up. Mr. President, take heed of the following Coolidge quotes.

“I have never been hurt by what I have not said.”

“I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm.”

Had Obama followed Coolidge’s advice, he never would have made his ill-timed and downright wrong comments about police conduct in the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.

And the president surely wouldn’t have said, as he did during his “immigration reform” speech at American University last week, that Arizona’s controversial law allowing police to question those legally stopped about their immigration status has “the potential of violating the rights of innocent American citizens and legal residents, making them subject to possible stops and questioning because of what they look like or how they sound.”

And here’s one final Coolidge quote for Obama:

“Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.”

NASA to boost Muslim self-esteem?

Rick Moran

This is a truly remarkable video found at Powerline of NASA administrator Charles Bolden telling al-Jazeera that NASA is now tasked “to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”

The agency that sent a man to the moon has been enlisted to improve the self-esteem of Muslims.

The steely-eyed missile men who launched a 37 story rocket generating 7 million pounds of thrust to the moon are going to become multi-cultural ambassadors in order to make the Muslim world feel like their contributions to science were responsible for American triumphs in space.

I don’t mean to be culturally insensitive but which Muslim (Arab) assisted Isaac Newton in writing his seminal work on gravity “The Principia?” Or perhaps helped Einstein get over the rough spots in writing his General Theory of Relativity?” Or helped Max Born and others develop quantum mechanics? Or whispered in the ear of Robert Goddard when he was inventing the liquid fueled rocket?

Science is a process. It builds upon the work of those who came before. The last significant contribution by Arab scientists to spaceflight probably occurred in the medieval period. And even those contributions were almost exclusively based on the work of ancient Greeks. To their credit, the Arab Muslims probably gave a boost to the scientific revolution that swept Europe during the Renaisance by their rescuing the ancient works of the Greeks from the ravages of the European Dark Ages as well as developing a rudimentary scientific method for solving problems.

But why NASA? Why not let the State Department “reach out” to the Muslim world and make them feel better about being left behind when the scientific revolution culminated in manned spaceflight?

One might note that the Iranian bomb is being developed by scientists almost exclusively educated in the west, as well as western educated scientists from Pakistan and North Korea, with the possible assistance of Russian engineers. Those educated in Muslim countries are using texts written by westerners, and are doing science that was first performed in Europe and America.

That’s ok. I’m sure NASA will make up some kind of multi-cultural nonsense to turn history on its head in order to make our Muslim brothers and sisters feel better about the fact that Islam is incompatible in many ways with modern scientific inquiry. To those who would argue otherwise, I give you a nation of Holocaust deniers despite the overwhelming historical evidence to the contrary.

Those who reject evidence for religious purposes haven’t advanced very far from the Medieval period anyway.

The Left-Fascist Axis. Again

By James Lewis

We are seeing another Left-fascist axis in our time, recapitulating Stalin’s (and worldwide communism’s) embrace of Hitler’s Germany. The Gaza flotilla crisis was set up by the radical Left (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jodie Evans and other Obama buds), in collusion with Hamas, which is about as fascist as they get. If you doubt it, watch Hamas TV on the MEMRI website. They are the worst. They teach toddlers about the glories of dying for Allah. Even Fatah thinks Hamas is a throwback to the Dark Ages.

In the Gaza flotilla, the Turks who yelled out “Khaibar! Khaibar!” as they were trying to kill Israeli soldiers, were members of the Turkish branch of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood. They yelled out “Khaibar!” because that massacre of Jews was Mohammed’s own Auschwitz. That doesn’t leave any doubt about who they are. Martyrdom is just a means to an end, and that end is “Khaibar.” The media always forget to tell us that part.

Words matter, which is why the Left is always making up new words for themselves, to disguise who they really are. The Left isn’t Communist any more, they are “progressive” — which leaves the rest of us back in 1776. “Progressives” always know which way to find “progress,” and it always comes down to stomping on the rest of us. Because if you’re not “progressive” you must be an enemy of “progress.”

The radical Left hasn’t changed one smidgen since Stalin. The Left still believes in global totalitarianism. Stalin is dead, but Stalinism is on the march. Listen to the stomping of their boots.

The Left is a throwback to all the ancient utopian cults, the Mayans, Genghis Khan and the Yellow Emperor of China, Idi Amin Dada and Robert Mugabe. It’s the ancient Egyptian priesthood, which was also a cult run by a totalitarian clique. In ancient Egypt you had to die to get to utopia, but the psychology is always the same. Utopian cults always appeal to suckers. They are a very nasty part of the human condition. But there’s nothing new there, and they are certainly not “progressive.” They are a throwback.

Obama doesn’t look like a normal American because he is a High Priest. Harry Truman wouldn’t recognize him, but King Tut would. Obama has all the arrogance and ignorance of a Pharaoh.

So here are two ways to simplify the daily media circus. First, the media are the cult of the Left, trying to twist your mind. The “Left” equals global totalitarianism, which is Stalinism, which is Leninism, which is radical feminism, which is the hateful racism of the Reverend Wright and Louis Farrakhan. Same story, different labels. Keep it simple.

Whatever mask they try on, radical leftists are internationalists — meaning that they are against America as a sovereign nation. That’s Obama’s real beef against us, and it’s why he will never enforce our borders. Sure, leftists are all “patriots” in their own minds, because they worship the prairie flowers and the pretty mountains. And they all despise MacDonald’s hamburgers and eat arugula, because at bottom they are the most amazing snobs. America is just one little piece of Planet Gaia, where everybody will live in peace and harmony because Obama or Algore will rule us with an iron fist. It’s all for our own good.

So, the Left hasn’t changed since ancient times. That’s why Harvard has a “speech code,” courtesy of the likes of Elena Kagan and the PC Commissars. People can’t be trusted to say what’s on their minds. They might hurt somebody’s feelings. Speech codes are ancient ways to control people. All the prehistoric little Hitlers had speech taboos.

The second useful word is “fascist.” Academics spend their lives trying to define that word. But if you believe in killing people until they surrender to your totalitarian hokum; if you want to enslave women, kids, Jews, Christians, nonconformist Muslims (like the Bahai’is), gays, Africans in the Sudan, Marxists (yes), Trotskyites, liberals, and anybody who thinks the US Constitution is a good idea, you’re a fascist. Simple, reasonable definition.

So we are seeing the Hitler-Stalin Pact, Take 2. The motivation is identical. These people hate the modern world, just like the Nazis and Lenin did. Hitler wanted to go back to the Nordic gods. His utopia was in a fantasy past. Lenin placed his utopia in the distant future. If you’re a coercive utopian you have to dream of a long-ago past or a misty future, as long as it’s impossible to see what it’s really like.

Today the Saudis want to go back to Mohammed in the 7th century, and the Twelvers in Iran want to go back to the Hidden Mahdi in the 11th century. They all want to make utopia by force and terror.

The Left-fascists are intolerant of individualism, liberty, free speech and electoral legitimacy, which is why they always try to sabotage constitutional government. Kagan on the Supreme Court. Obama as Pharaoh in the Oval. Why bow down to the King of Saudi and the Emperor of Japan? They are both medieval reactionaries. Obama bowed down to them, but he was really giving the high sign to America. That’s Obama’s schtick.

We are seeing a re-run of the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1938. That Left-Fascist alliance fell apart when Hitler flipped and decided to send tanks into Poland and Russia instead.

It is what Freud called a “repetition compulsion.” It happens over and over again, because these people don’t live in reality. That’s why they are dangerous. They can never figure out what went wrong last time, so they keep trying it again. They live in egomaniacal fantasies, and real people keep getting in their way. Off with their heads!

The last time a Left-Fascist Axis rose to power it led to World War Two and the Cold War. Maybe the only way to win is to make them fight each other. That’s how we came out of it before.

I don’t know how decent people will prevail this time. I think we will, because we have done so over the centuries. But we are in another Long War with some real bad hot spots. The enemy today is both the Left and the fascists.

Read the news and you’ll see it every day.

They’re baaaaack!