Ron Pagano and other liberals to decide who is worthy of earning a living

I think what most Middle Class Americans are missing is that the issue isn’t about wealth and those who achieve it ethically; if you operate a retail store or run an HVAC business and you work hard for 30-40 years, you deserve every penny you’ve earned! This is about the Wall Street bankers and investment houses that do nothing more than push money around from a “loser’s account” to a “winner’s account” (which will change on any given day, as we all know), then create a disaster like the mortgage meltdown in 2007, get bailed out with taxpayer money, THEN DISTRIBUTE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN BONUSES! It is also about those big corporations that are receiving TAXPAYER subsidies and TAX CREDITS, then turn around and send US jobs overseas!

The bankers who took our money and bonused it to themselves should be hung out to dry. If THAT is what capitalism is all about, then yes, we need a change. The Middle Class is disappearing in our country; all you need to do is look at the headlines every day…incomes are down, savings are down, home ownership is down, Middle Class wealth, across the board, is down.

For those of you that don’t see it, or won’t accept it, I suggest that you do your own research. The American Dream is over. My Dad worked for 40 years in the steel factory…became disabled and had to live on a small pension and Social Security. Without SS, we would have lost our home and been out in the street. Even with all that, my Dad used to tell me and my brother, “Work hard and get an education! All Mom & I wanted for you is a better life than we had growing up!” THAT’S always been the American Dream…get an education, work hard and you’ll get ahead…AND, your kids will have a better life than you. Well, what Dad never told us was that the deck would become stacked against us by the greedy bankers and corporations (who are NOT PEOPLE, BTW!).

Wake up, Middle Class America…the deck is stacked against us!

More CRAP can be read here.

Demonstrators: Jobs, not cuts, are priority, Really?

Chants echoed though the downtown plaza late Tuesday morning as a group of more than 20 people protested in front of Rep. Andy Harris’ Salisbury office, demanding he focus on “jobs, not cuts.”

The protest was organized by and local progressive blogger Ron Pagano, who said he wants the congressman to focus on working to pass the American Jobs Act proposed by President Barack Obama.

Pagano said he believes the legislation will help create jobs in places like the Eastern Shore. He added the idea that cutting taxes for corporations to create jobs, a possible avenue to economic growth promoted by Harris, has been disproved.

Pagano and others who gathered in front of The Gallery Building urged Harris to focus on creating jobs by investing in 21st century energy and public education, ending wars and taxing Wall Street speculation.

“(Harris) says what we need to do is lower taxes for corporations and the wealthy,” Pagano said. “We know that hasn’t worked. Corporations are bringing in more money now than ever.”

Pagano said if Harris and the Republican Party are unhappy with the jobs bill proposed by Obama, they should pen their own.

Read more here.

Occupy L.A. Speaker: ‘Bourgeoisie Won’t Go Without Violent Means’

We need to distribute the wealth?

Race-pimp Al Sharpton really cut to the heart of this Occupy Wall Street crowd. In a recent discussion about how this will affect the establishment, he had this to say:

“Is this the time that we can change the discussion in this country away from just deficit cutting, toward really how we distribute the wealth in this country? Something progressive …”

Al Sharpton wants to have a discussion on how to distribute wealth as to make it MORE progressive in the United States? Perhaps he needs to do some homework to learn that the United States has the most progressive tax system out of all the OECD countries.

Upper-income taxpayers have paid a growing share of the federal tax burden over the last 25 years.

A 2008 study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, for example, found that the highest-earning 10% of the U.S. population paid the largest share among 24 countries examined, even after adjusting for their relatively higher incomes. “Taxation is most progressively distributed in the United States,” the OECD study concluded.

Meanwhile, the percentage of U.S. households paying no federal income tax has been climbing, and reached 51% for 2009, according to a new analysis by the Joint Committee on Taxation.

Race-pimps like Al Sharpton like to spew this Marxist dogma – from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs – but fails to remember that this type of system was tried (USSR) and failed.