
The Community Organizer is already in campaign mode. His minions are preparing for something they probably never saw coming: a real fight. After Obama’s ascendance to the thrown in 2008, it was probably difficult for anyone to imagine that we wouldn’t be basking in the glory of an Obama presidency for eight years. Yes, eight. They were pretty sure they could ride this wave through the next election. But it’s amazing how quickly an ugly economy mixed with runaway spending can turn the country against even the most beloved of rulers. Yes, rulers. “We will be ready to rule from day one.” Remember?

At this point, Barack Obama has lost support among every single economic or ethnic demographic segment of our society …even among black voters. Although, his approval ratings with black voters are still in the 80% range. The young, the poor, rich, white and even Hispanics … barely half of each of these groups approves of the job that Obama is doing. Recent reports say that Obama has had to make waves in the gay community, in order to make up for campaign donations otherwise lacking from wealthy supporters. When it comes down to it, Obama is still likely to carry the vote for certain groups of voters: blacks, the young, the poor, the government workers, the union workers, single women. But there is one giant group out there that Obama is desperate to win over: Hispanics. Census figures show that the Hispanic population is only growing in this country: “The US Hispanic population grew 43 percent during the past decade to 50.5 million – more than half the country’s population growth.” However, Hispanic voters are slowly becoming more Republican. Pew Research has discovered that in the 2006 midterm elections, 69% of Latinos voted for Democrats. By 2010, that number had decreased to 60%. With the presence of more Hispanic Republicans like Marco Rubio, those figures are expected to continue to decrease. But this is not good for an administration that desperately needs to charge up a new base to turn out to the polls in 2012.

Hence we get … the current Obama Hispandering. Throughout the last few weeks, Obama has increased his attention on the issue of immigration and yesterday he made a speech on immigration in El Paso, right across the border from Juarez, Mexico – a city where 3,111 civilians were murdered last year – more than in all of Afghanistan. But in a clear sign that Obama is not really serious about reform but rather campaigning, he resorted to name-calling and snarky remarks saying, “Maybe [Republicans] will say we need a moat. Or alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied …”. Securing our border and abiding by the law of the land is not something that Republicans are fighting for because they feel some insatiable need to be difficult or because they are anti-Hispanic. They do it because that is the number one role of our federal government: to protect its citizens.

As the pundits are already pointing out, if Obama failed to get the DREAM Act passed with a Democrat majority in Congress, there is little chance of it passing now.

NJ State Police “Outraged” Over Rapper Invite to White House

The invitation of rapper Common to the White House this week is drawing the ire of the union representing New Jersey state police.

While even casual hip-hop fans wouldn’t characterize him as a controversial rapper, Common found himself under the microscope after First Lady Michelle Obama invited him to the White House for an arts event. In question: the lyrics to “A Song for Assata,” about convicted cop-killer and former Black Panther Assata Shakur.

FOX News and Sarah Palin condemned the decision after the Daily Caller published some of Common’s lyrics, including some that criticize former President George W. Bush.

For New Jersey police, the outrage centers on “A Song for Assata” lyrics like “Your power and pride is beautiful. May God bless your soul.”

Shakur, formerly known as Joanne Chesimard, was convicted for the 1973 slaying of Trooper Werner Foerster on the New Jersey Turnpike. She escaped prison in 1979, and is living in asylum in Cuba.

Read more here.

China Arrests 49 Leaders of Underground Christian Church

Chinese police have detained 49 leaders of an underground Protestant church in a central province, an advocacy group and local official said Wednesday.

The U.S.-based China Aid Association said all three floors of a church building in Henan province’s Weishi county were searched and thousands of dollars worth of property were seized during the raid Tuesday on a religious education seminar.

Also detained were three Korean citizens, including a Bible instructor, the group said. South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said it had no immediate information about the reported detentions, which reflect long-standing ties between South Korean church groups and Chinese believers.

An official with the Weishi county religious affairs bureau confirmed Wednesday the detentions but gave no details. Like many Chinese officials, he gave only his surname, Sun.

China requires all religious groups to register and accept Communist Party oversight, although millions of believers continue to worship in unregistered congregations that typically have an evangelistic, charismatic character.

That includes members of Beijing’s unregistered Shouwang Church, who have recently repeatedly defied police demands and attempted to gather for banned outdoor services, leading dozens to be detained. The group, which includes numerous intellectuals, was evicted from its rented space under police pressure.

Read more here.

Dems to reintroduce DREAM Act

Democrats in congress are preparing to reintroduce the DREAM Act – legislation that provides citizenship for the children of illegals if the join the military or go to college for two years.

Politico :

Foundering in Congress for a decade, the legislation was passed in the House but came up five votes short of overcoming a Republican filibuster in the Senate during last December’s lame-duck session. The DREAM Act would provide a path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants brought to the country as children if they attend college or join the military for two years.

At a speech in El Paso, Texas, Obama called on Congress to pass the bill and “stop punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents.”

“It was a tremendous disappointment to get so close and then see politics get in the way,” Obama said. “These are kids who grew up in this country, love this country, and know no other place as home. The idea that we would punish them is cruel and it makes no sense. We are a better nation than that.

“So we’re going to keep up the fight for the Dream Act. We’re going to keep up the fight for reform.”

Latinos are upset with Obama because he hasn’t delivered on “comprehensive” immigration reform. The DREAM Act is a large part of that reform, but the make up of Congress has changed since it was last introduced.

The measure may still pass the House, but its prospects in the senate are even dimmer than last time. Clearly, Obama is going to have to find another way to pander to minorities.

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques? Hell Yeah

You have to admit, this has been fun. I’m talking about the efforts of the Obamajahadeen to try to have it both ways on the issues of “enhanced interrogation” (let’s just call it torture) and capping Osama bin Laden. It’s laughable, really. Here we have doing a victory lap around the country telling everyone what a gutsy call Obama made sending the Seals after bin Laden … all the while denying that any of the intelligence information which led to bin Laden came from enhanced interrogation techniques. We know that’s how much of the information was gathered, and they know that’s how much of the information was gathered; and we know that they know that we know that’s how the information was gathered … yet they continue with their vapid denials. One of the problems, of course, is that to admit that the enhanced interrogations techniques led to the end of OBL would be to admit that Obama’s greatest whipping boy, George W. Bush, actually had it right.

Republicans unveil YouCut II

Republicans will unveil Wednesday YouCut, the sequel, their newly-improved crowd-sourced spending cuts program that allows Americans to vote online for which bloated bureaucracy ought to get the ax.

Now, the stakes are real. The “winning” government program each week will more than likely actually get a House vote to cut its funding, sending the proposal over to the Senate, where Republicans hope public participation will spur action there.

“The biggest difference will be we’ll actually get a chance to get ‘em passed,” freshman GOP Rep. Mick Mulvaney, one of three freshman hand-picked by Majority Leader Eric Cantor to coordinate the program.

Cantor is handing over YouCut to the freshmen, giving them a place to channel the Tea Party energy that swept Republicans into power. Highlighting government’s embarrassing excesses could also give the GOP political momentum at key moments in the more important debt ceiling and appropriations debates.

Mulvaney of South Carolina, freshman class president Austin Scott of Georgia and Renee Ellmers of North Carolina are in charge. Each week they’ll coordinate which freshmen representative

Obama Looks Like Malcolm X

Obama Looks Like Malcolm X.

Obama Looks Like Malcolm X

Morph to Malcolm by Polarik

Donna had a link that flipped me out.  Obama looks just like Malcolm X.  Who knows anymore with this faker? You look for yourself. I am sure that other people have thought this, because Obama looks NOTHING like B.H.O. Sr.  I want you all to think about something,  good and hard:

      If Obama is as bad as many of us think he is, and had Davis as a mentor, and even Malcolm X as a father….Do you people that are white realize that he HATES white people gutts? Malcolm X HATED white people as did F.M.Davis. This is the very reason why you hear ‘racist this and racist that’ now.  Because Obama is a HUGE white-hating racist-he TOLERATES them.  Gee how thoughtful for us ‘evil’ whiteys…..  From his book “Dreams from my father”:

From Dreams of My Father: “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

From Dreams of My Father: “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother?s race.”

From Dreams of My Father: “There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.”

From Dreams of My Father: ”It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

From Dreams of My Father:  “I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela.”

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It would make sense how he hates white peoples gutts.  Wouldnt it?  Just something to think about…


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