An Obama-Caused Border Disaster

Socialism is not the Answer

National Review

It is a grave error to view the swarming of illegal aliens across our southern border as anything other than a challenge to our sovereignty — a challenge abetted, rather than repulsed, by a president who vows to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” The challenge brings into sharp relief a question I’ve repeatedly pressed (see, e.g., here, here, here, and here): If the states cannot or will not defend themselves, are they still, in any real sense, sovereign?


As expected, the president’s mainstream-media allies portray Obama as a man struggling to manage a crisis beyond his control, a crisis their thin and exhausted playbook instructs them to blame on George W. Bush. Nonsense.

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9 illegal alien facts

Resist Tyranny

food stampsWe hear a lot about how the United States owes something to illegal aliens – not the least of which is amnesty.

Ever wonder how we already contribute to illegals?

  1. Over 43% of all food stamps are given to illegals.
  2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles, California are for illegals.
  3. Less then 2% of illegals are picking crops. But 41% are on welfare.
  4. More than 66% of all births in California are to illegals on MediCal, paid for by US taxpayers.
  5. Nearly 60% of occupants of Housing and Urban Development properties across the country are illegals.
  6. More than 39% of California students in grades K-12 are illegals.
  7. 75% of Los Angeles, California’s “most wanted” are illegals.
  8. More than half of all gang members in the United States are illegals.
  9. US companies usin illegals in 2005 profited more than $2.35 trillion.

Our thanks to Kelly @KLSouth for the original inspiration.

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