23 Years Since The New York Times Announced The End Of Cold Winters

Real Climate Science

Cold Season Loses Its Chill, Giving a New View of Winter
Published: June 30, 1991

Not only the cold war is over; so, apparently, are cold winters. The official heating season of 1990-91 ends today, and in many places, the weather was the mildest it had been in 30 years.

Cold Season Loses Its Chill, Giving a New View of Winter – NYTimes.com

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The NAACP calls black Republican Senator Tim Scott a ventriloquist dummy

America's Watchtower

 Oh the tolerant liberal left! There are only two black Senators in the “upper chamber” and one of them, Tim Scott, just happens to be a Republican. This does not sit well with the left, and the NAACP, which feels it has a monopoly when it comes to black people.

  The NAACP came out hard against Senator Scott on Martin Luther King Day, bashing him for leaving the Democratic plantation:

A prominent NAACP official recognized Martin Luther King Day by labeling black senator Tim Scott a puppet for the Republican party. “A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy,” said Reverend William Barber II, the president of North Carolina’s NAACP chapter.

The State reports that Barber’s remarks came in a speech in Scott’s home state of South Carolina. “The extreme right wing down here,” he said, “finds a black guy to be senator and claims he’s the first black senator…

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Indiana Makes Move to Nullify Obamacare


So far we’ve seen several states push forward legislation to nullify the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Among those are Oklahoma, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. Following the filing of a lawsuit by Indiana school districts in October, Indiana has introduced legislation to nullify the monstrous healthcare law.

Rep. Timothy Harman, along with two co-authors, introduced HB1406 on January 15, 2014. The bill, if passed and signed into law, would effectively nullify Obamacare in the state of Indiana.http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/01/indiana-makes-move-nullify-obamacare/

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NY Officials Planning To Seize WWII Vet’s Property Using Taxpayer Money


Excerpted from NY POST: The Fire Island resort of Saltaire wants to seize private property — using taxpayer money.

World War II vet Frank Whitney is locked in a legal battle with officials who want to take his Saltaire Market grocery by eminent domain in order to build their own updated version.

And the upscale village may increase property taxes to do it, raising as much as $2.5 million to buy and rebuild the market, which was damaged during Hurricane Sandy.

Whitney’s family says it wants to fix the store — the village’s only commercial property — and has the money to do so, but it accuses Saltaire officials of preventing them.http://patdollard.com/2014/01/ny-officials-planning-to-seize-wwii-vets-property-using-tax-payer-money/

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Williams Talks About Income Inequity But Snacks On $38 foie gras And Lives At Swank NYC Address

Dianne Feinstein: NSA Would Never Abuse Its Powers Because It’s ‘Professional’


Senator Dianne Feinstein, as we’ve noted, seems to have this weird blindness to even the very idea that the NSA might abuse its powers, despite a long history of it doing exactly that. The history of the US intelligence community is littered like a junk yard with examples of massive abuses of power by intelligence folks. And yet, Feinstein seems shocked at the idea that anyone questions the NSA’s ability to abuse the system. Why? Because the NSA is “professional.” Appearing on Meet the Press this weekend, Feinstein just kept repeating how “professional” the NSA is as if that was some sort of talisman that wards off any potential of abuse. First, host David Gregory pointed to reporter Bart Gellman’s claim that President Obama’s NSA reforms will allow for the expansion of the NSA’s collecting personal data on “billions of people around the world, Americans and foreign citizens alike” and…

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