NY Officials Planning To Seize WWII Vet’s Property Using Taxpayer Money


Excerpted from NY POST: The Fire Island resort of Saltaire wants to seize private property — using taxpayer money.

World War II vet Frank Whitney is locked in a legal battle with officials who want to take his Saltaire Market grocery by eminent domain in order to build their own updated version.

And the upscale village may increase property taxes to do it, raising as much as $2.5 million to buy and rebuild the market, which was damaged during Hurricane Sandy.

Whitney’s family says it wants to fix the store — the village’s only commercial property — and has the money to do so, but it accuses Saltaire officials of preventing them.http://patdollard.com/2014/01/ny-officials-planning-to-seize-wwii-vets-property-using-tax-payer-money/

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Author: AKA John Galt

A small business owner, a tea party organizer, a son, father and husband who is not willing to sell out the future lives of his children.

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