Salisbury, MD: Your Attention is Needed

To all kilbirnie residents:


A very important issue was brought to those attending our Spring General Meeting, Tuesday, march 16, 2016.


Large industrial chicken houses in Wicomico County, Maryland Neighborhoods.


A process is currently in motion to put a massive industrial-sized house operation at the northwest corner of Walston switch and Shavox Roads.


At least four to eight 60-foot by 600-foot chicken houses are planned, which if approved would result in millions of chickens processed each year and thousands of trucks transporting chickens on Walston Switch and Shavox roads.


there is a “Protect the Paleo Channel” Public Forum, which will be held March 22, 2016 at 6 p.m. at the Wicomico youth and Civic Center to address this issue.


Liberal NutJob Ron Pagano To Run For Wicomico County Council

There is a rumor on some blogs and liberal whacko Ron Pagano has filed to run against Joe Holloway for Wicomico County Council.

God help us all!!If this is true, what say you?


Dear Friends and Family:
After much deliberation, discussing it with my wife, Nancy, and meeting with many folks in the area, I have decided to join the race for the Wicomico County Council’s 5th District. It is a large district, mostly rural, but also covering towns and villages, from Delmar to Willards, and out to the Eastern edge of the County.
What I hope to bring to the race is my passion to fight for the issues I take on, whether for the unemployed, veterans, former inmates who want to turn their lives around, the disabled, or the host of other issues I have worked on in my life.
As many of you know, I have faced many obstacles in my 60 years, but I have always been an optimist, knowing that I have the ability to overcome anything I put my heart and mind to. My handicap has not kept me from pursuing my dreams, including my education, my family, my businesses or my beliefs. In fact, it is my handicap, along with all of the accompanying problems associated with it, that has pushed me to become the person and advocate I’ve become. I see problems and I want to help solve them, just as I’ve solved my own! If there is one thing I can impart from my own experiences, it is, “Never give up!”
My district is mostly rural, including many farms and rural communities. I may only have ‘farmed’ my backyard vegetable garden, but I have lived in rural, farmland communities for most of my adult life and when I met my wife, (who was born and raised in Parsonsburg), instead of discussing whether she might move to Anne Arundel County (where I was living at the time), I chose to move here, to Wicomico County, because I had come to love rural life, the slower pace and the people who live in places like this.
I promise the voters of the 5th District that I will fight for their concerns, just as I’ve always fought in the past. I look forward to opening a dialogue and finding new solutions to old problems. The way to the future is not through arguing, obstructing or refusing to see both sides; it is through finding ways to meet, talk, understand and compromise. All I ask from the voters is to hear what I have to say, and then watch, as I follow through. THAT’S the real test of any elected official!
The slogan for my campaign is, “Honor the past, plan for the future!” I hope that everyone will join me in this new challenge I’ve taken on. I’m eager to get started and find out how I can make life better for our community! I will be posting additional details about the campaign over the next few weeks.
With Warmest Regards,

Again, God help us all from this idiots.

Muir Boda Files For Wicomico County Council At Large

Thank you so much for taking to the time to visit and learn more about why I wish to serve you on the Wicomico County Council.

The obvious questions you may have is why am I running and what do I have to offer?

To answer the first, I love Wicomico County and I am pleased to say we are one of the 100 Best Communities in the Country in which to live. We have so much to offer people who are looking for a great place to live, work, worship, learn and play. My purpose and my goal in running for County Council is to ensure that we remain one of the 100 Best Communities.

As I see it, there are several key issues we need to address to not only keep that status, but improve our standing among our 100 peers.

Today I am putting forth the Wicomico Initiative, a five point plan to take our County and Region to the next level. These five issues are key to addressing many of the problems that threaten our way of life and I am committed to working with all municipalities, Law Enforcement, the business community, our educational system, civic groups and those elected with me to County offices to strategically implement the Wicomico Initiative.

The five key actions we need to focus on are Reducing Crime, enhancing our Educational Opportunities, refining and developing our economy, Defending our Revenue Cap and Protecting our Property Rights. Though there are more issues that will need to be addressed throughout this campaign, these issues are key in setting the foundation on which I stand.

I certainly understand that I alone cannot implement policy direction and legislation. It will take the Council as a whole in cooperation with the County Executive and all public servants in Wicomico County and its municipalities to do what is right for our people, our neighborhoods, and our County. It requires us to put aside political differences and egos, for those are the greatest impediments to positive progress. Join me and send a message to our leaders to stand with us in protecting our way of life.

If you would like more information on my campaign please Visit our website at

Muir Boda
At-Large Candidate for Wicomico County Council

A caving on Bennett Middle School?

According to published reports in both the blogosphere and mainstream media, Wicomico County Council is holding yet another meeting tomorrow morning to discuss the stalled Bennett Middle School project. County Executive Rick Pollitt has already asked County Council to allot a 7 cent per $100 increase in the property tax to help pay for the new school without presenting the remainder of his operating budget. (The phrase for that where I come from is “a pig in a poke.”)

First of all, it’s notable that the meeting will be a daytime meeting rather than an evening meeting, since I thought the intention of having night meetings would be to encourage participation. Perhaps that time worked better within the schedule of the few squeaky wheels who don’t understand that people are tapped out, so no means no. For working folks, it’s not that easy.

And since it will be a legislative session, this will give at least one of the four who originally voted to hold off on the school until funds are more available the opportunity to cave in to the caterwauling of these parents who are more than willing to pay higher taxes. News flash: there is nothing stopping those in Parents in Action from stroking a check to make up the difference in their tax rates; however, the rest of us may want to see a better funding plan for a more affordable school that won’t put those same children who attend the school into decades of watching the county pay for it.

G.A. Harrison opines in his piece that District 2 Council member Stevie Prettyman is the weakest link among the four, and that over the last week there has been a “sometimes mudslinging” campaign against the four who voted to be fiscally prudent – another I spoke to agreed that the County Council is getting “hate mail.” Perhaps supporters of fiscal sanity were a little too complacent.

Of course, there is the slim chance that we are the recipient of some fiscal miracle and the county can afford this project without saddling the next generation in debt or, more importantly, raising taxes on a population which is already overburdened. Harrison suffers from one possible inaccuracy in his report, though – I believe a seven cent rise in the property tax homeowners would result in a staggering 17.5 cent per $100 increase in the personal property tax Wicomico County businesses are saddled with. Certainly local businesses can weather that increase, no problem.

Failing that miracle, it bears noting that a County Council which bends whichever way the wind blows is also subject to a primary challenge next time around. I can guarantee you local Democrats will give no credit for voting to raise taxes in the next election and will instead use the 2014 campaign to paint County Council as the obstructionists who rode Rick Pollitt out of a job.

Read more here.

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black…………..

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 5:22 PM
To: Bob Culver; Gail Bartkovich; Joe Holloway; John Hall; Matt Holloway; Stevie Prettyman; Sheree Sample
Subject: Propaganda at it’s best compliments of our County Council

I wanted to send this message clearly to the members of the County Council. I am enjoying the holidays but when the first of the year arrives I am going expose whichever one of you has decided to run to sbynews for your propaganda on the new Bennett middle. If you have no problem being linked with Joe then why don’t one of you man or woman up right now and just say I gave it to him? Because you know if you did any chance of re-election or respect from the community would be gone. It will only take a little investigative reporting to uncover the bread crumbs but rest assured I am dedicating myself to it so this nonsense stops. If you don’t want to support the project you have County Council meetings and forums you can voice your concerns, but running to either one of us for this crappy propaganda game is exactly why this area Is a laughing stock.

Jonathan Taylor

Falling below is the sby news comment:

This coming from a guy who is tied at the hips to Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, Shanie Shields, Al Webster, Tom McGuire, John Robinson and the like.

My message to Taylor is, do something for your community for once in your life and stop obsessing and threatening others with intimidation. Do you really believe people hold any respect for you?

Between you and Robinson believing the County Council is behind everything I say and do is demented. Nevertheless, you go right after these people, because every time you’ve gone against someone they have won their elections. Or haven’t you realized that as of yet.

By the way Jonathan, you said from the beginning, (years ago) you were coming after me to shut down Salisbury News. How’s it working for you! Your threats are the biggest jokes in town, kind of like a town drunk.


So called public comments are as follows(look at the pattern)

Anonymous said…

The guy admits he’s the reason the area is a laughing stock.

December 22, 2011 12:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

If I were he, I’d spend more time trying to shed all those extra pounds than worrying about Joe!

December 22, 2011 12:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Is that his house behind him,and who does he think he is anyway.

December 22, 2011 12:12 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

JT is his own worst enemy. My advice is that he FOCUS on his own life and get rid of this personal vendetta against Joe & SBYNEWS that is only setting him back in order that he accomplish something meaningful in his life. If he continues on this destructive & meaningless path all the way to his grave, he will never have accomplished anything significant or meaningful in his life.

December 22, 2011 12:20 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Who really cares what this guy has to say though? Obviously he is a nobody.

December 22, 2011 12:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

He IS a nobody. The only people who associate with him do so anonymously. Look at him. Standing in fromt of a trash pile. He looks like a human Oscar the Grouch. Have you ever talked to him? Think about this for a minute. Anytime you talk to someone you can tell within the first 30 seconds whether or not your dealing with someone intellectually on the same level as you. They may strike you as someone who is intelligent or someone who is stupid. When you talk to Jonathan Taylor, within the first 30 seconds you can tell that his processor speed is not nearly as fast as yours. In computer terms most people are working with a version of the pentium. But Jonathan Taylor is working with an old 386. Hell, sometimes he seems to be working with a 286 with the old monochrome screen. He has no influence on anyone. Who does he think will follow his lead? Other 286’s? I mean birds of a feather, right? What an idiot.

December 22, 2011 12:47 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Yup one more p.o.s.thats lives off the tax payers dollars.

December 22, 2011 12:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

12:47, well said. Matt Marshmellow the state attorney has been chummy with this guy.

December 22, 2011 12:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

I didn’t know he was jewish. That’s the only holiday I know thats going on.

December 22, 2011 1:02 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

What evidence do you have he is “chummy” with Matt M. I find that ludicrous.

December 22, 2011 1:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Did you see that big piece of trash in the picture?

December 22, 2011 1:05 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

1:05P Yes I did!! I also saw alot of loose debris behind the trash!! LOL

December 22, 2011 1:15 PM
Blogger JoeAlbero said…


Plain and simple. Taylor is threatening to file, (once again) an ethics violation charge, Idiot.

How many of these e-mails did you publish for Tilghman and Dunn from Debbie Campbell, Jonathan.

You can’t have it both ways. Oh, that’s right, your Jonathan Taylor and everyone should be scared to death of you. I think not.

Quit sending in anonymous comments and man up for once Jonathan. You have been made a fool with your very own words/threats.

Folks, I get hundreds of threatening messages from this guy on a regular basis telling me I’m going to jail, I’m being reported for this or that. The guy is a nut case.

As for the Marciarello comment, many believe this to be true. While I personally do not agree with it, if someone else is out there saying it they must know something I don’t.

Many have also stated Jonathan has a deep connection with Joel Todd. Jonathan helped Joel out in his election and bashed Oglesby day in and day out, ANOTHER politician who was elected while Taylor lost with an incumbent. What’s that tell you Folks. ALL politicians should be VERY careful who they tie themselves with because Taylor is a bad luck charm, no question about it.

I’d like to believe Jonathan and Joel’s connection isn’t true either but I too have connections all over the place, so its possible.

December 22, 2011 1:19 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

How can anyone have trust in a man who believes in the entitlement( get paid for not working)(health care for nothing)? I’ve always called them parasites in the amoeba stage.

December 22, 2011 1:26 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Isn’t this that grinch guy? I wrote Joe a letter once and he called me and threatened me if I didn’t tell him what was going on. The guy is a creep.

December 22, 2011 1:28 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Wow. If my life were reduced to living off government assistance, I couldn’t get a job to support my family, and the only thing that motivated me to get out of bed was hatred and a vendetta, I’d probably want to kill myself.

I hope you find a new path in life, Mr. Taylor.

December 22, 2011 1:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

I guess he only wants things out in the open that he likes. He has no kids in school and collects welfare so why should he care if taxes go up. Maybe he should MAN up and get a job. It’s not propaganda if it’s the truth.

December 22, 2011 1:30 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

I’m so sick of hearing crap come from that fat p.o.s. As if he’s anyone important! Welfare collecting whale!

December 22, 2011 1:36 PM
Anonymous Andy In O.C. said…

From the photo & letter alone, it is obvious to everyone that Mr. Taylor is committing 4 of the 7 “Deadly Sins” which is not very inspiring or admirable of him.

From the photo is: Sloth & Gluttony (towards himself)
From the letter is: Envy & Anger (towards Joe)

December 22, 2011 1:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Get a job you bum. Stop sucking up money from the government and then complaining about everything as if your opinion is worth anything more then the pile of trash in the photo, plus the stuff behind your fat rolls.

December 22, 2011 1:52 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Haa haa ha ho ho ho hee.

“If you don’t want to support the project you have County Council meetings and forums you can voice your concerns, but running to either one of us for this crappy propaganda game is exactly why this area Is a laughing stock.”

Look at all the propaganda the guy put out for Laura Mitchell, Shanie Shields, Allan Webster…the guy’s published more leaks than the New Orleans levees.

No, Taylor isn’t Jewish. He even went after Terry Cohen being a Jew over the Lord’s Prayer flap that Laura Mitchell started. Cohen has always handled that issue with dignity, so he’s a real pig to attack her over her faith.

Just what does this dunce think a member of the county council ran to Joe with? Public information? GASP!!!

December 22, 2011 1:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Yup, he collects money from the government you and I pay for and claims he’s handicapped. Get this, he doesn’t have handicap tags. If he was permanently handicapped he’d have permanent tags. Instead, he has a sticker and parks in spaces and doesn’t display the sticker from the mirror. I have seen him at plenty of events and he’s not in a wheel chair. It’s only when he wants attention. He’s a liar, a fake and his only real handicap is that he’s too fat. His heart is probably the size of a basketball.

December 22, 2011 2:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Your wrong. He doesn’t have a heart. He and his friends like little boys.

December 22, 2011 2:41 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Is there a reason that obese piece of crap can’t sit in a wheel chair and ring the bell. Maybe he could give a little back to all of us since we foot his bills. If that fat hunk of turd ever confronts me I’m going to punch that fake right in the face. Don’t believe me, try it one day.

December 22, 2011 2:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Get a real job Jonathan! We taxpayers would like to stay informed about what is happening. You won’t find anywhere on MSM like WBOC, WMDT, or The Daily Times. You are some piece of work of cow dung.

December 22, 2011 3:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

High school is so fun

December 22, 2011 3:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

He gives nothing back. He only knows how to take. He can bash others for ringing a bell and stir crap, but he himself does NOTHING to help out anywhere. The only attention he gets if from the bottom feeders of society that follow him, you know the birds of a feather deal. No wonder he is so mean and hateful. If all you ever do it take and never give you can never truly be happy with yourself.
Jt get off your butt, get a job and support yourself and you will find you are happier and have a little bit of self worth.

December 22, 2011 3:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Betcha Matt is gonna want to speak to you Joe. It ain’t gonna be pretty asswipe.

December 22, 2011 3:42 PM
Blogger JoeAlbero said…

anonymous 3:42, Jonathan, I told you, act like a man for once and use your real name.

Nevertheless, if Mike Lewis doesn’tr scare me, why would you think for a second Matt Maciarello would scare me.

Only someone with your mentality would believe someone like myself should be afraid of Matt. I’m not bullying Matt or telling him if he doesn’t so what I tell hime, (like you’ve done with the City and County Council) I’ll expose them and they’ll lo9se the next election.

If “I” have something to say, (just ask Matt) I’m MAN enough to confront him one on one and discuss it. No phony e-mail threats, just man to man discussions. Ask your friend Joel Todd about the last conversation I had with Matt. I felt it was extremely productive. Just because Matt is the States Attorney doesn’t make him a perfect man, just like Mike Lewis. Again Jonathan, notice MY NAME is on this comment and I’m not a pussy like you hiding behind anonymous.

I’m in a PUBLIC forum for ALL to see. Try it some time Jonathan. Own your own words and don’t think for a second people haven’t contacted me telling me you just said that you set me up. ROTFLMAO! Is that ALL you’ve got Jonathan. Now you’re trying to claim the letter is a fake and you were trying to set me up, are you really that stupid? Let’s see Jonathan, it went to the entire County Council, in case you or your mentally challenged viewers hadn’t noticed. No Jonathan, YOU’VE BEEN BLOGGED.

December 22, 2011 4:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

More intra-personal drama distractions. They always put on a show before they grab your wallet.

December 22, 2011 4:25 PM
Comment deleted

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

December 22, 2011 4:32 PM
Blogger JoeAlbero said…

I want to ad to my previous comment, who gives a flying sh!t who sends out information.

You’re trying to bully the Council from not sending anyone anything, (like you did in the past with the City Council) yet in the mean time Louise Smith, Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields and their friends) were sending you material on a regular basis.

This is what I call open government. If YOU or your CROOKED friends weren’t trying to cover up stuff all the time it wouldn’t be an iddue or problem. God forbid the other side send out anything, Jonathan Taylor Says NO! LOL

Get over yourself Jonathan. This is your day of glory, getting all this attention. You have no credibility and you’ve done NOTHING to help the community. In fact, I’ll challenge you to openly tell ALL what you have done to give back. You mock me for rescuing animals. You attack me and out advertisers, you call businesses and LIE to them telling them I did something I didn’t. You send out e-mails calling me a racist on a regular basis. Your just a guy who has no money, no life, no pride and no chance of ever truly becoming your hero Joe Albero. Flat out Jonathan, are you gay? Are you one of those type who’s heart was broken and you just can’t get over the fact you’ll never have me????? I mean, what other reason could it be Jonathan. You’ve followed my Blog 100 times a day for at least 2 years now. You’ve attacked my innocent Wife and Grandson. Are you bitter like Charles Jannace? I mean, you remind me of a man who just can’t have something and you’re pissed off about it. So, come out of the closet Jonnie, are you gay, or what? Tell the world legitimately just what you, John Robinson, Tom McGuire and Charles Jannice are so obsessed over. If it is me, I’m not gay and I have no interest in the bunch of you, LET GO.

December 22, 2011 4:37 PM

Response from from Lower Eastern Shore News

As you can see this email was only sent to the 7 members of the County Council nobody else. I see that it has shown up verbatim on sbynews with a rant from the asshole proving my point that one of these members is supplying Joe with all the internal emails and documents to slam residents and voters in the County. This little trap worked because I knew they couldn’t resist. You all make it far too easy

Public comments to follow:

Anonymous said…

Gotta love it! You got him good. He’s so easy to fool.
Next up is Earl the Idiot who needs to provide a bill for the supposed $6000 operation.

December 22, 2011 12:22 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

So one or more of those scoundrel’s on the County Council does feed that moron albero information. I’d be curious to know if some privacy law has not been broken. When is it OK for an elected official to forward an email from a private Wicomico County citizen to a viscious and vindictive blogger in Delmar, DE?

Excellent job Mr. Taylor. Don’t let up on these bastard’s. Keep the pressure up.

December 22, 2011 12:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

File an ethics violation. A citizen with a concern has a right to expect that when they email council members it is kept confidential.

December 22, 2011 12:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Are there no laws to protect the confidentiality of a the private communication of a Wicomico County citizen to the member’s of the County Council? Does this mean if I send the County Council an email complaining about somethin in the County that it will be given to joe albero for some reason? Some ethics law must have been broken here. Where can we file a complaint please.

December 22, 2011 12:49 PM
Blogger Jonathan Taylor said…

I appreciate the comments on who you think is responsible but there is actually a lot going on about this situation right now so I am not going to publish them yet

December 22, 2011 1:26 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Can you at least tell us where to go to complain! You’ve got him by the short hairs and this is where you ALWAYS let him off the hook. Answer us please.

December 22, 2011 1:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

At the very least this is conduct unbecoming of an elected official and it must be investigated and the culprit/culprits, at the very least made an example of and chastised, so this childish behavior never happens again.
JT-how quick after you emailed the council did it appears on Albero?

December 22, 2011 1:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

And of course Joe is only allowing comments saying how great he is and how terrible you are. If anyone tells him otherwise or just attempts to say anything supportive of you that is rejected. He is like the Kim Jong Il of the blog world with just one unfortunate difference.

December 22, 2011 2:12 PM
Blogger Jonathan Taylor said…

these things go through stages. If you want to complain call Ed Baker at the GOB

December 22, 2011 2:19 PM
Blogger Jonathan Taylor said…

Email was sent at 5:22 last night

December 22, 2011 2:19 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Good for you Jonathan. I hope you can figure out who this person is
and expose them. Why would anyone from Wicomico County even give the time of day to Delmar Donkey and his blog has me puzzled. I will never believe that Albero is capable of deciphering the budget so someone is surely giving him inside info and telling what to write.

December 22, 2011 2:20 PM
Blogger Jonathan Taylor said…

2:12 That is why Albero is amusing but not a real challenge. I gladly offer my fat ass for him to make fun of in exchange for ridding him of another source from the County Council

December 22, 2011 2:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Here’s a HIGH 5 to Jonathan! He singlehandedly fooled and lured not only Albero, but also has proven there is atleast one unscrupulous Wic county council officer holder.
On a more serious note-this is disturbing and should not be condoned by anyone.

December 22, 2011 2:34 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

well, i will hand it to ya, you threw yourself into the mix as well. so can we expect nothing from shields or mitchell finding their way to you as well? i really hope this works. i disagree with almost all of your views, but if you can pull this off, i will be very impressed.

good luck!

December 22, 2011 2:37 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Joe posted a story with a cover picture of a child tied up, Have you noticed Joe always seems to be involved in something happening to a child? And wouldn’t posting that picture be some sort of kiddie porn violation?

December 22, 2011 2:38 PM
Blogger Jonathan Taylor said…

I have never published or received emails from people sent to any Council members of City or County

December 22, 2011 2:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

I am very disappointed that someone sitting on the Wicomico County Council would be this devious.

December 22, 2011 2:51 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Riddle me this Batman….he’s claiming that your email to the County Council members is public information because you are seeking ethics charges against them. WTF? I didn’t read anything like that in your email to them. What’s the story here?

December 22, 2011 2:52 PM
Blogger Jonathan Taylor said…

you did not misread, I never mentioned that

December 22, 2011 2:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

You know JT, this post of Monsters was so predicable. First, Monster can’t resist slamming you, secound the Earl & Charlie show has now wound down, so Spew click count is low, almost non-existent. What better post could the “Monster of Spew” put up for feeble ego-feeding peep sympathy, and it would also serve to start a fresh non-stop “Mr Anonymous Monster” post after post going again, plus his usual Joseph “The Monster” Albero posts that agree with his “Ass-Ed-ness”. Monster loves lying and fanciful story time. But it will all come to a grinding halt, if the truth ends up being that there was no veteranarian, nor a visible on-line bill/receipt showing the $6,000 operation for “In Pain Charlie” with the veterinarians name attached. No Veterinarians name or praise for the business? That’s a strange thank you from Mr. Integrity, huh? Especially after all the unnecessary upheaval that Monster intentionally created for all of those charged with the taking care of, Ocean City, Maryland and its residents. If it should turn out that part of the story wasn’t true, then the full weight of a contrived story, will have to fall squarely on the shoulders of Mr. Monster the “Pretend Investigative Slogger”. We’re waiting for a name Monster, where is it? JT will put it up, if you or Earl have one, after he checks it out. I don’t think you do.

December 22, 2011 2:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

In fact, its The office of the Maryland Prosecutor that investigates this sort of thing.

December 22, 2011 2:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Don’t think so 2:59. They prosecute felony, misdemeanor and juvenile cases/crimes. They don’t investigate questionable actions of elected officials if it’s not of a criminal nature.

December 22, 2011 3:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Thats where you are wrong. Read #2

December 22, 2011 3:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

misconduct in office does not have to include criminal intent.

December 22, 2011 3:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

JoeAlbero said:
“This coming from a guy who is tied at the hips to Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, Shanie Shields, Al Webster, Tom McGuire, John Robinson and the like.”

this, people, is calling flipping. its basically an admission of guilt, but trying to make the other guy look worse so the heat is off yourself. youre both wrong!

December 22, 2011 3:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

I believe the key word here is “State”, 3:24. This office is tasked with dealing with state employees and elected officials as opposed to county.
BTW-hasn’t the state has been on a mission to have the different counties and municipalities come up with a uniform “code of conduct”/ethics code?

December 22, 2011 3:43 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Hey JT! is it me or what? I was looking at ding lings blog an darn if the comments look like they were wrote by the same person.

December 22, 2011 4:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Boy oh boy is JoeBoy ever off on a rambling rant! Yep, Joey no matter how you slice and dice it or spin and twirl it the facts is JT SET you up and you fell right into it!
Not only did Joey fall into it, but so did atleast one morally inept, no good childish county council member, who I hope is feeling really proud of themselves at this moment.

December 22, 2011 4:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…

Damn straight info is coming from the county council! Guess what, asshole, you can whine about it all you want but you are not going to stop it. You’re just jealous once again of Albero and the good job he does.

December 22, 2011 4:33 PM
Blogger Jonathan Taylor said…

wow thats funny I said either of us so I included myself in that so you lose again

December 22, 2011 4:37 PM

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Who is right, who is wrong?

A budgetary ‘makeover’

It’s understandable that people are excited about the ABC-TV show ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition‘ coming to our hometown on the heels of another home built in Sussex County, Delaware. But this excitement comes at a time when Wicomico County is strapped for cash, much as it’s likely the family selected for the new house has their own financial issues to deal with.

According to a resolution passed by Wicomico County Council last week, the county could be holding the bag on over $30,000 worth of fixed and estimated expenses – a far cry from the numbers claimed elsewhere in the local blogosphere, but quite in line with what other communities have experienced. The proof is after the jump.

Read more here.

The Wicomico Plan

When I entered the race for Wicomico County Council, District 2, I did so because I believed that government at all levels, including ours, spends too much and takes too much, regardless of protests to the contrary. I also believe that the philosophy, ideology, expectations and assumptions we have about government needed to be challenged if we are to give our children the same or better opportunities for the American Dream we have had. As I have been meeting voters I am often asked for specifics on what I would do, where I would cut, and how I would maintain acceptable levels of government services while putting more money back in the taxpayer’s pocket. I present to you the “Wicomico Plan” for reducing taxes, encouraging efficiency in government expenditures and making our county economically competitive and fiscally sound.

The first step is to reduce the burden of taxes and regulations on our businesses and individuals. We have one of the highest income tax rates in the state, that needs to come down. We need to remove taxes on inventory and machinery for businesses and any regulations not related to public safety so they are free to concentrate on business and in so doing, create jobs. This drop in revenue will be offset by cuts in the budget, specifically salaries and benefits. Managers and department heads that make more than fifty thousand dollars would receive a ten percent cut and those making over seventy thousand would receive a twenty percent cut, elected offices excluded. Real average incomes in this county have been dropping and it is time government employees shared in this pain, especially considering they make, on average, twenty to fifty percent more than their private sector counterparts. Benefits should also be brought in line with the private sector (i.e. the rest of us) and all pensions should be converted into 401Ks or self directed IRAs (like the rest of us).

Step two is to introduce incentives for efficiency and savings in government expenditures. This is the most important part of the plan and will give those managers and directors an opportunity to make up any lost income. Currently, government departments at any level are given a certain amount of money to spend every year and they know that if that money is not spent, they may not get as much next year. The incentive is to spend it all whether it is needed or not. My proposal is this. Any money a department does not spend during the fiscal year will be placed into two funds. Half the savings will be put into the rainy day fund. The other half will be given to the employees of that department as bonuses, spread equally among all members of the department. For example, if the public works department saves one million dollars, half a million would go into the rainy day fund and the other half would be spread among all the people who work there. If there were fifty employees, each employee, from the guy who cuts the grass to the director, would get a ten thousand dollar bonus. This encourages the department to work efficiently, save money (our money), blow the whistle on thieves, consider privatization of some functions, eliminate unnecessary employees and other forms of waste. Fees would be frozen so no department could raise them to pad their numbers.

Step three comes at the end of the fiscal year. After each department has a full accounting of monies saved, their budgets will be reduced by the amount put into the rainy day fund and the process will start over for the next fiscal year. Once the savings have been realized, the overall budget can be adjusted and both property and income taxes lowered accordingly. After three or four years of this process we will have a county that is operating much more efficiently and costs the taxpayers, you and I, a lot less. It is time to bring new, innovative ideas to government, challenge an unacceptable status quo and make elections about more than tired slogans and platitudes and make them about ideas and policy.

Mike Calpino

Candidate for Wicomico County Council, District 2

Your View: America’s decline related to growth of government

Mike Calpino – Libertarian Candidate for Wicomico County Council District 2

A recent poll said more than two-thirds of Americans believe our great country is in decline. If we look honestly, we can see why.

We are the largest debtor nation in the world; corruption is endemic among our political class; our largest corporations and institutions are rife with fraud; and immorality is in on the ascent.

Anyone who has read history knows what precedes the fall of great civilizations. We still live in a republic, where we all have a say. We need not go silently into that good night.

The speed of our decline is inversely proportional to our freedom. A society of free individuals produces morality, prosperity and growth. That was the society our founders envisioned. They developed a government based on libertarian principles; it was responsible for the meteoric rise of the United States.

One hundred years ago, “we the people” began to trade the ideals of the Declaration of Independence for the belief that government’s job is to solve problems and meet needs. This allowed politicians to grow government, take the products of our hard work and limit our freedom, all the while telling us it was for our own good.

The rapidity of our decline is directly related to the growth of government. To reverse it, we need to take responsibility for our lives and elect people who believe in the founders’ vision of limited government — and have the courage to act on it.

We have the power; we just need to use it.

Local Salisbury candidate outlines views and beliefs

In this time of American uncertainty, I would like to discuss my viewpoints for Wicomico County. I am a candidate for an at-large seat on the Wicomico County Council, but I am not a career politician or part of the establishment.

My viewpoints are:

# Principle over party

# Limited government

# Fiscal responsibility within the city, county and state

# Low taxes for everyone

# A common-sense government

# I am pro-business, for this is where citizens will find jobs

# I do not believe in a centralized police force

# I do believe in an elected school board

# I believe in more town hall meetings where people can voice their opinions and frustrations.

# I believe in private property rights for all, not just farm owners.

# I believe in the representation by elected officials, and not in those who become career politicians steering America towards a position which is contrary to that of the American people.

# I believe the answers to our problems come from the people and not from politicians, nor the government.

These are difficult times that we live in. If your decisions about our county reflect my own, I ask for your vote on Sept. 14 in the Republican primary.

Christopher D. Lewis